Irish Libyan School (ILS) is underpinned by the core values of Excellence in Education, Care, Equality, Community, and Respect.

We support our pupils

From infants to sixth
class through

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Exclusive agents of the Irish Cultural Council - Libya

Hello everyone & Welcome to

IRISH Libyan School ILS

Irish Libyan School (ILS) is underpinned by the core values of Excellence in Education, Care, Equality, Community, and Respect.

We are the exclusive agents of the Irish Cultural Council

In ILS all pupils are encouraged to make the most of their academic abilities. Standards are high and we encourage all our students to explore and discover their strengths so that they can learn with confidence. Alongside the Libyan curriculum, we offer subjects authenticated by the Department of Education and Skills in Ireland so our pupils are educated in a wide range of skills, knowledge, and disciplines.

We nurture, inspire, and empower our pupils

We are committed to

Fostering a sense of identity

Fostering a sense of identity and self-worth in each of our students.

Life-long learners

With skills, attitudes, sensibilities, and personal initiative to grow into a well-rounded

Multi-cultural environment

Well-being of the whole person in a inclusive caring and innovative

High academic standards

Striving for high academic standards and promoting rich co-curricular